Thursday, 27 February 2014

Hasbro Character Analysis: Twilight Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Main possible zodiac type: Virgo

Twilight Sparkle is immediately seen as a very methodical pony, plotting and creating lists, all as she sees the comfort in getting things right when she makes the effort for something. Her mind is constantly working even when not meaning to, having great comfort in planning her actions and giving a great attention to the details. Although not entirely open to new ideas at first, just like a Virgo, she is easily able to change her opinion based on what she learns in her own experiences, and is less stubborn compared to other earth signs.
Not only this, but Twi is very committed to serving Princess Celestia, service being a key Virgo quality. She is considerate towards others, and although finicky at times, ensures all her work is done for others benefit, rather than always for herself. Her worrying tendencies also fits in with Virgo, a build up of thoughts leading to anxiety when her nervousness is not worked away. Mercury rules Virgo, the planet of communication, and this pony does a very good job at this linking to her ability to talk to other ponies easily - even if not always openly - but quickly follow them up as friends. Down-to-earth and humble, yet can still get a little worrying, Twi possesses almost all features a Virgo is claimed to have.

Other possible types:
Capricorn (Reserved and very hard working, always wanting to study hard and please Princess Celestia. Not placed under Capricorn however as she has little personal ambition, doing things because she is asked rather than for her own satisfaction. Capricorns are more likely to retreat when annoyed also, where as twilight shows her annoyances and worries a little more openly as she begins to get even more methodical - much like a Virgo. Capricorns also take far more time to adapt to new situations, due to it being a cardinal sign.)
Aquarius (Some say she fits with this as she is both self-disciplined and also quite curious at the same time, however Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Saturn, Uranus making the sign more rebellious - which doesn't quite fit into Twilight's nature. She went from being socially unaware - more of an earth sign - to depending on friends - an air sign - which can also give the common argument.)

**~~ If anyone has any other possibly types Twilight could be - or even a better analysis, please feel free to send me a message or drop a comment ~~**

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